Config files are now in AppData/LocalLow/DeatCreation/TrackingWorld rather than in the program's folder. If you wish to keep your configuration, you'll need to move the config.dat file to there
Version of Unity has been changed. Now uses 2020.3.0f1. Scenes will have to be reexported with the new version. There is also a new SDK
Shortcuts for expressions can be set to toggle mode
Send and receive motion data using VMC protocol
Window size can be changed in the settings
Controller bindings now have a grab action
Preview overlay, configurable and usable with VR rendering off
Version 1.5.0
VR Rendering is now activated from the start menu rather than in the scene
Pelvis tracking improved
Added a stick to the camera for longer manipulation
Added the Play Button to control elements in a scene
Added Camera Substitute to control camera in a scene
Post Processing Volume support
Fixes with the motion recording
Version 1.4.0
New setting window for pre-assigning trackers to parts
New setting for changing cubemap resolution for 360° mode
Fix for rotation center of grabbed objects
Fix for motion recording and replaying
Version 1.3.0
Upgrade to Unity 2019.1.6f1 and update of several plugins
Scenes can now be loaded. They can be created in Unity and exported using the TWSDK
A teleport button was added. It can be used to move on scenes with a physical ground
Grabbable objects can be present in a scene
Audio settings have been changed, new ones are available
SteamVR Skeletal Input can now be used instead of gestures, for support with Valve Index Controller
Version 1.2.0
Added automatic blinking, inside Eye Control panel
Version 1.1.0
Fix of the knee bending for certain avatars
360° mode
New Settings menu with additional features
Turning off VR rendering, to use the headset for other purposes
Saving and loading calibration info
Motion file format change to account for framerate drops